Daniel Seddiqui

Daniel Seddiqui has worked 50 different jobs in 50 states in 50 weeks. He wrote a book, titled "50 Jobs in 50 States- One Man's Journey of Discovery across America." It was published by Berrett-Koehler Publishing and has been released March 2011. Of the many jobs, Daniel has been a lobsterman in Maine, a cheesemaker in Wisconsin, a parker ranger in Wyoming, high school football coach in Alabama, and a rodeo announcer in South Dakota.

Many international and national media outlets featured his story, including CNN, Fox News, World News Tonight, National Public Radio, Today Show, C-SPAN, MSNBC, Los Angeles Times, New York Post, New York Daily News, Associated Press, YAHOO!, Weather Channel, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Golf Digest, Time Magazine, San Francisco Chronicle, among others.



Daniel graduated from the University of Southern California in 2005 with a degree in economics. He was also a track star at both the University of Oregon and USC.

Professional life

Unable to find a job in his chosen field after college, Daniel envisaged the plan of working a different job in a different state each week. Not long thereafter, Daniel fulfilled his plan, each week working a job that manifested the culture and economy of the state through which he passed. Daniel completed his last job in September 2009 and is now working on a book to share his experiences. He is also working on a lecture circuit and semester program for college students to help find their interests and experience the different cultures and lifestyles of America.

Personal life

Daniel grew up in Los Altos, California.


External links